To all who celebrate, I wish you a very Merry Christmas. I hope you are able to take some time amidst the chaos to bask in this brief moment—enjoy the warmth of a warm beverage, beautiful lights, and a cozy blanket—and spend time with the people you love most. Holidays can be so stressful and sometimes shine a spotlight on the more difficult things happening in our lives, but despite it all, we got here! We have arrived at this precious fleeting moment in time! I invite you to kick back, savor the moment, and accept it’s imperfections. I invite you to allow yourself to get cozy.
I made a zine that celebrates some of my favorite cozy things, and I’m sharing a free printable version with all subscribers today! I am so grateful for the community that is building here. Thank you so much for being here. Be sure to scroll to the end to download your printable zine and art print. Feel free to share it with a friend!
This week’s FREE downloads!
Hit the button below to access to this week’s zine and art print. Simply download them and print! Reference my Mini Zine Tutorial page for instructions on how to cut and fold a mini zine. Please note that these are copyrighted works that are for personal use only and are not eligible for resale. Please print them for yourself and share with your friends! They make great gifts!
Thanks for reading!
If you have haven’t already subscribed, simply hit the “Subscribe now” button below to get posts like this delivered right to your inbox every Sunday. Free subscribers get a behind-the-scenes view of my ongoing creative projects. Paid subscribers get the added bonus of downloading printable zines or art prints each week! Free or paid, your presence means a lot. From the bottom of my heart, thanks for being here.
P.S. In case you missed it, last week I wrote about the importance of Your Inner World and I think you might like it.