Examples of My Work

Hello! My name is Sheri Roloff. I am a writer and illustrator who is passionate about visual storytelling. I specialize in creating comics, zines, and illustrated books. Please keep scrolling to see some examples of my work!

You Are With Me Always is a 24-page comic that celebrates the magic of our most important indelible relationships.

Here’s a peek inside:

Hide & Go Seek-A-Saurus is an interactive, comic-style picture book featuring a trifecta of kid favorites — dinosaurs, pizza, and hide & go seek!

Here’s a peek inside:

Everything-ness is a 36-page zine featuring a collection of comics, illustrated dinosaur facts, and more.

Here’s a peek inside:

Skyward is a 32-page comic about how looking at the sky can slow down time for a moment and give you a chance to think and breathe.

Here’s a peek inside:

Thanks for taking time to look at my work! You can see more of my work in my online store.

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